In next November's General Election, you will not be voting for four at-large council members. Instead, you may be voting for ONE Council member, if your District is scheduled for Council seat election.
This is a done-deal. What you care about now is assuring you are represented by a fairly drawn District map.
District elections will give the building & development community a better opportunity to educate voters on the facts of housing.
It's easy for candidates to promise "more housing at lower cost" to get votes. Unless they have to show exactly how they intend to do that.
Do they think they can deliver more housing at lower cost with Inclusionary Zoning, Just Cause Eviction, Building and Development Fees, Additional Commission Hearings and Restrictive Zoning?
Working District by District and responding to individual candidates, our industry can put facts before promises. We can educate voters about the current housing and building environment.
But First! We need to be sure maps are drawn to reflect true neighborhoods. Think about how your neighborhood (or "Community of Interest") is defined. Click here to see.
This will be the task for all of us over the next 6 weeks. To identify Communities of Interest and be sure they are mapped fairly.
Learn more at a one of the Tuesday Council meetings taking place each week, or at the December 4 Community Meeting at 1pm at Grace Community Church.
The website with all this info is at