With the support of most leaders and businesses in Butte County, AB 430 was heard April 8th in the Assembly…
Dear Editor, test test Then Chico’s Mayor added an even more maddening insult. He vilified builders at the State of…
Construction Skills Training – Open and Locally-based The Contractors’ Associations had already been meeting with Butte College about creating construction…
Our work prior to November 8 on land availability, the construction workforce shortage and the housing shortage now must be…
It All Comes Down to a Shortage of Housing. Housing is key to economic development. A healthy housing market would…
The purpose of the study is to provide objective information about Chico’s development trends, current projected and actual land supply,…
After 2.5 years, we have updated Development Impact Fees. They will become effective August 6, 2018. Click here to download…